Freshers' Week

Each term the MCR committee publishes a 'Term Card' of events, the majority of which are free for MCR members to attend. Graduate study is demanding, but most graduates at Oriel attend a number of the events each term.

The social events of the year begin with 'Freshers' Week', a week-long (surprise, surprise) series of events designed to help you get to know other people in your subject, the MCR and the College.

Welcoming Week Timetable

Welcome to Oriel Week 2024 runs from Sunday 6th October until Sunday 13th October.

The timetable will be released during August 2024.


Arriving Early?

Whilst the official Freshers’ Week starts on Sunday 1st October, many MCR members arrive in Oxford before then.

We’ll have a number of events during the two weeks before the official Freshers’ Week starts. We also might advertise more via email or our Facebook page.

“College Parents”

Each incoming student is ‘assigned’ an existing MCR member to act as your “college parent”. Your parent will be available via email to answer any questions you have before you arrive and will play a part in a number of the Freshers’ Week activities. You’ll receive details of your parent shortly.


Oriel MCR on Facebook

We have an MCR Facebook page where you can ask questions and receive updates of MCR events.

This is also a useful tool for contacting fellow students for housing and general advice. It is used throughout the year to communicate with students, so it’s useful to join!