Adopted by majority vote of a General Assembly of the MCR on 14th May 2017.
1. To represent the interests and further the welfare of postgraduates and 4th year undergraduates of Oriel College.
2.1 Any member of Oriel College who is in good standing and pursuing graduate studies is a Member of the MCR. Medical students in their fourth year or beyond are considered graduate students.
2.2 Any undergraduate member of Oriel College who is in the final year of a four-year course is a Member of the MCR.
2.3 Any undergraduate member of Oriel College who, at the time of matriculation, is 21 years of age or older shall be considered a mature student and shall be allowed to apply for full membership of MCR pending a one-time vote by the MCR body, and payment of MCR fees.
2.4 Any undergraduate member of Oriel College who reaches 22 years of age or older shall be considered a mature student and shall be allowed to apply for full membership of the MCR pending a one-time vote by the MCR body and payment of MCR fees.
2.5 Additional members may be elected pending a one-time vote by the MCR body and payment of MCR fees, subject to College procedure and Standing Orders.
2.6 With the exception of any suspended under section 5.9 below, all Members and their guests shall have access to the facilities, events, and activities of the MCR in accordance with MCR and College regulations.
2.7 A membership fee may be levied, subject to Standing Orders.
2.8 Any graduate student or fourth-year undergraduate student under Section 2.1-2.2 may opt out of membership fees levied under section 2.7. Members who opt out of membership fee may not participate in events, activities, refreshments, or consumables subsidized by membership fees. No Member who has opted out shall be denied access to MCR facilities or the right to participate in Assemblies, Elections, or Referenda, nor shall there be any loss of representation by officers of the MCR.
3.1 An Assembly of Members shall be held at least once each term to administer the affairs of the MCR.
3.2 A quorum shall consist of fifteen Members during Term and ten Members during vacation, except as provided for in section 7.2.
3.3 Notification of Assembly shall be posted at least one week in advance.
3.4 An Assembly shall be called within two weeks of a request for an Assembly by at least five Members.
3.5 An emergency general assembly may be called by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, to be held with 24 hours’ notice during term time and 48 hours’ notice during vacations.
3.6 A motion must be proposed and seconded by a Member of the MCR.
3.7 A motion shall be passed by the majority vote of Members. If a Member proposes a secret ballot, and is seconded, the vote shall be by secret ballot.
3.8 All motions to be voted on online during a state of lockdown (due to a pandemic, war, or any other major disruption).
3.9 The chair may be overruled by the simple majority vote of Members.
3.10 Any Member may hold the proxy vote, notified in writing, of another Member.
Standing Orders
4.1 The Standing Orders shall guide the operations and policies of the MCR, subject to the provisions of the MCR Constitution, and shall be observed by all members of the MCR.
4.2 Amendments to the Standing Orders may either be via Online Referendum or simple majority at an Assembly.
The MCR Committee
5.1 A Committee shall be constituted of all members elected to offices within the MCR, subject to the Standing Orders.
5.2 An Executive Committee (EC), responsible to the MCR, shall be constituted to administer the daily affairs of the MCR and to represent the interests of the MCR to College and the University.
5.3 The EC shall consist of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and any additional posts established by the Standing Orders, including but not limited to one or more Vice Presidents, Social Secretaries, and Welfare Secretaries.
5.4 The President shall represent the interests of the MCR to the Junior Common Room, the Senior Common Room, the Governing Body, the Provost, and extra-collegiate bodies. Assemblies of the MCR shall be chaired by the President.
5.5 The Secretary shall maintain a list of Members, post notification of Assemblies, collect and post at least two days in advance an agenda for each Assembly of the MCR, take minutes at Assemblies of the MCR, and make available copies of the Constitution and Standing Orders to all Members.
5.6 The Treasurer shall maintain the finances of the MCR, present a full account of them at the end of his or her term of office to the incoming EC, and give a brief account of them once a term to the MCR.
5.7 The EC shall provide for and maintain the facilities of the MCR.
5.8 The EC shall oversee the management of the MCR Bar.
5.9 The EC shall have the power to suspend membership of any Member, but without prejudice of his or her right to participate at Assemblies. Suspension shall require a majority vote of the EC with unanimous consent of the President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Suspension of a Member shall require the consent of the College, and any decision by the EC to suspend a Member shall only remain in effect until the next Assembly unless ratified by a 2/3 majority vote at that Assembly.
5.10 The actions of the EC shall be subject to mandate and overrule by the MCR, to which it shall give a brief report at Assemblies.
6.1 Each candidate for a Committee post must be proposed and seconded by a Member of the MCR.
6.2 Elections shall be made by secret ballot.
6.3 A Member shall be elected by majority vote.
6.4 In addition to any proposed candidates the option to re-open nominations (RON) shall be available.
6.5 Elections shall be held at an Assembly or by Online Vote, subject to Standing Orders.
6.6 A quorum for an Online Vote shall be defined as under section 7.2.
6.7 Elections for President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be held by Online Vote during Trinity Term. To be eligible for nomination, a Member must be a current graduate student or hold an offer of admission for graduate study at the University. Nominees for President, moreover, must have at least 12 months remaining on their course or hold an unconditional offer of admission for graduate study.
6.8 Additional Committee posts established under section 5.1-5.3 may be elected during Trinity Term or at other times throughout the year, subject to Standing Orders in conformity with sections 6.1-6.6 above.
6.9 The Term of office for an EC shall commence at noon on the first day of the 10th week of Trinity Term, or at a time mutually agreed upon by the outgoing and incoming Presidents.
6.10 In case, due to the resignation or impeachment of a member of the EC, or for any other reason, a position on the EC falls vacant, another Member shall be elected to the vacant office by an Assembly of the MCR in conformity with sections 6.1 through to 6.4.
6.11 Notification of a motion to impeach a member of the Committee must be submitted to the President and Secretary who shall then post notification of the motion and call an Assembly within two weeks to consider the motion. Impeachment shall require a 2/3 majority. Impeachment of the President shall additionally require ratification by a majority vote of an Online Referendum.
Interpretations, Amendments, and Ratification
7.1 Amendments to this Constitution shall be by Online Referendum or by an Assembly called for this purpose with at least two weeks notice to Members.
7.2 Quorum for the purposes of Constitutional amendment shall consist of one fifth of the Members of the MCR.
7.3 Amendments to this Constitution shall be subject to ratification by the College.
7.4 The College shall have power to resolve any disputes regarding this Constitution, the Standing Orders, or other matters regarding the MCR.
The old MCR Constitution may be found here.