Why Oriel?
There are 38 Colleges within Oxford, and a further 6 permanent private halls. The collegiate system is at the heart of the University’s success, giving students and academics the benefits of belonging to both a large, internationally renowned institution and to a smaller, multidisciplinary, academic college community.
But why would you choose Oriel? Here we hope to explain why you should!
Our College
Oriel is located in the city centre, comprising beautiful historic buildings dating from the 14th to the 20th Century.
Oriel has a lively and active student body, comprising both graduates and undergraduates. It's well known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere. The College provides well equipped gym facilities, a library space containing over 100,000 volumes and high speed wireless internet across the site.
With an active graduate community, a large number of sports clubs including the renowned Oriel College Boat Club and wide variety of other societies, Oriel is a fantastic place to be.
Student Support
Oriel offers a number of graduate scholarships. There is also a travel grant fund which makes generous awards each term. These are particularly useful for graduates wishing to attend conferences.
The library is extensive and exceptionally well funded for the purchase of books requested by students. The Tutor for Graduates has responsibility for academic wellbeing of graduate students, who are also allocated a personal College academic advisor. Similarly, the College also employs a Welfare Officer, College Nurse and College Doctor.
Oriel MCR
Oriel Middle Common Room has its rooms in a spectacular setting overlooking Oriel Square. Open 24 hours a day, the space is an enticing environment for catching up with friends, grabbing a coffee or reading the paper.
The main common room also provides an area where much of the MCR's socialising is done, be that cocktail evenings, second desserts or casino nights.
Social Life in the MCR
Oriel MCR has a fantastic calendar of social activities for its members. From cocktail evenings to casino nights, yoga classes to ‘Bake Off’ competitions, the MCR provides a wide variety of events.
The MCR has a termly Guest Night, enabling members to invite friends and relatives to a 5 course black tie dinner. There are also regular exchange dinners with other Oxford Colleges, along with yearly exchanges between Oriel and its sister Colleges: Clare College, Cambridge, and Trinity College, Dublin.
The MCR Bar
Oriel MCR has its own bar for the exclusive use of its members. It is normally open 2 days a week throughout the year and always open on Sundays during Second Desserts.
If you want the bar open on a particular day, email the Bar Manager. Similarly, if the bar doesn't stock a particular drink - just ask, we might be able to stock it!
MCR Benefits
Oriel MCR members have access to a free coffee machine with ethically sourced coffee. Free tea and biscuits are also provided in the MCR, along with the weekly Sunday Second Desserts.
Free weekly yoga classes are provided and MCR members can also pay £12 to join the College punt scheme, allowing unlimited punting through the summer.