
Last Amendments: 2nd June 2013; 28th January 2007; 15th October 2006; 6th February 2005.
Please note, major amendments are expected in Michaelmas Term 2015


1. To represent the interests and further the welfare of postgraduates and 4th year undergraduates of Oriel College.


2.1 Any member who is in good standing of Oriel College with the status of Visiting Student and pursuing graduate studies, or Senior Student is a member of the MCR.
2.2 Any undergraduate member of Oriel College who is in the final year of a four-year course will be automatically a member of the MCR.
2.3 Anybody, not a member of any other Oxford Common Room, may be elected an Associate Member of the MCR, subject to Standing Orders.
2.4 Oriel graduate students who have completed their course, who are not a member of any other Oxford Common Room, who are in good standing with Oriel College and have good reason to continue their relationship with the MCR, may be deemed Old Members of the MCR under section 6.3.1, subject to Standing Orders.
2.5 The Tutor for Graduates is an Associate Member.
2.6 At the discretion of the EC members whose status has lapsed or is suspended will be deemed to have the same rights as Old Members.
2.7 Any undergraduate member of Oriel College who, at the time of matriculation, is 21 years of age or older shall be considered a mature student for the purposes of this Article, and shall be allowed to apply for full membership of MCR pending a one-time vote by the MCR body, and payment of MCR fees.
2.8 Any undergraduate member of Oriel College who reaches 22 years of age or older shall be considered a mature student for the purposes of this article, and shall be allowed to apply for full membership of the MCR pending a one-time vote by the MCR body, and payment of MCR fees.
3.1 With the exception of any banned under section 6.3.2 below, all Members, Associate Members, Old Members and their guests have access to the facilities of the MCR in accordance with the MCR and College regulations.
3.2 A person may not be admitted to membership of the MCR, nor to the privileges of membership, until an interval of at least two days has elapsed between their nomination to membership and their admission.


4.1 An Assembly of Members, Associate Members and Old Members shall be held at least once each term to administer the affairs of the MCR.
4.2 Notification of Assembly shall be posted at least one week in advance.
4.3 A quorum shall consist of eight Members during Term and five Members during vacation, except as provided for in section 9.2.
4.4 A motion may be proposed by any Member, Associate Member or Old Member.
4.5 A motion shall be passed by the majority vote of Members. Associate Members and Old Members may not vote.
4.6 The chair may be overruled by the simple majority vote of Members.
4.7 Any Member may hold the proxy vote, notified in writing, of another Member.
4.8 Vote may be by secret ballot, if deemed appropriate by the majority vote of Members.

The Executive Committee

5.1 An Executive Committee (EC), responsible to the MCR, shall be constituted to administer to the daily affairs of the MCR and to represent the interests of the MCR.
5.2 The actions of the EC shall be subject to mandate and overrule by the MCR, to which it shall give a brief report at Assemblies.
5.3 The EC shall meet at least four times each Term.
5.4 Members of the Executive Committee must either have attained the age of 18 years or must be debarred from management of the MCR Bar.
6.1.1 The EC shall consist of at least the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Social Secretary.
6.1.2 The MCR may establish additional posts on the EC from time to time.
6.2.1 The President shall represent the interests of the MCR to the Junior Common Room, the Senior Common Room, the Governing Body, the Provost, and extra-collegiate bodies. He or she shall chair assemblies of the MCR.
6.2.2 The Secretary shall set the dates of and post notification of Assemblies of the MCR and meetings of the EC. He or she shall call an Assembly within two weeks of a request for an Assembly by at least five Members. The Secretary shall collect and post at least two days in advance, an agenda for each assembly of the MCR, take minutes at Assemblies of the MCR and meetings of the EC, and deal with all MCR correspondence. In each case of the temporary absence of the President, the Secretary shall act as Vice-President. He or she shall make available copies of the Constitution and Standing Orders to all Members.
6.2.3 The Treasurer shall maintain the finances of the MCR, present a full account of them at the end of his or her term of office to the incoming EC, and give a brief account of them once a term to the MCR.
6.2.4 The Social Secretary shall arrange social events for the MCR.


6.3.1 The EC shall have the power to name Old Members under section 2.4 above and Standing Orders, with the consent of the College and under any conditions authorized by the MCR. Any decision to name an Old Member must be ratified at the next Assembly.
6.3.2 The EC shall have the power, with the consent of the Tutor for Graduates, to ban from the facilities of the MCR any Member, regardless of their category, but without prejudice of his or her right to participate at Assemblies. Any decision must be ratified at the next Assembly.
6.4 The EC shall provide for and maintain the facilities of the MCR.


7.1 Elections for the Executive Committee including President, Treasurer, Secretary, Social Secretaries, and any posts established under 6.1.2 will be held during Trinity Term.
7.2 Elections for any other positions on the MCR Committee will be held during Michaelmas Term.
7.3 Nominations for election to the EC shall be accepted until a motion to elect the EC has passed.
7.4 Elections shall be made by secret ballot.
7.5 Each candidate for any EC post must be proposed and seconded by a Member of the MCR. A member shall be elected to the EC by majority vote.
7.6 In addition to any proposed candidates the option to re-open nominations (RON) shall be available.
7.7 The Term of office for an EC commences one week following its election.
7.8 In the event of a tie, a new election for the contested position will be held within a week.
8.1 Notification of a motion to impeach a member of the EC must be submitted to the President and Secretary who shall then post notification of the motion and call an Assembly to consider the motion.
8.2 In case, due to the resignation or impeachment of a member of the EC, or for any other reason, a position on the EC falls vacant, another Member shall be elected to the vacant office by an Assembly of the MCR in conformity with sections 7.3 through to 7.6.

Interpretations, Amendments, and Ratification

9.1 Notification of a motion to amend this Constitution must be submitted at least one week before an Assembly to the Secretary who shall then post notice of it.
9.2 Quorum for the purposes of Constitutional amendment shall consist of one fifth of the Members of the MCR.
10. The President shall interpret the Constitution subject to overrule by the majority vote of Members.



1.1 These standing orders shall be observed by all members and associate members of the MCR.
1.2 Amendments to standing orders may be passed at an assembly by a majority vote.


2.1 A voluntary contribution for Graduate membership shall be levied.
2.2 A subscription fee for Associate Members, Old Members and 4th Year Undergraduate Members shall be levied.
2.3 This level of contribution/subscription should be ten pounds per term.
2.4 The amount levied for contribution/subscription shall be reviewed by the EC and an Assembly of Members of the MCR when deemed appropriate by the EC.

Voting Procedure

3.1 To exercise their right to a proxy vote a Member must provide the Secretary with a signed note to that effect, at or before an assembly, naming the Member who they wish to vote on their behalf.
3.2 Any Member may only hold a single proxy vote.

Executive Committee

4.1 The additional posts on the EC shall be Bar Representative; Computer Representative; Environmental Officer; two Welfare Officers, one of whom will be male, the other female; and a Fourth Year Representative.
4.2.1 Two Welfare Officers will be elected; one of these will be male, the other female. They will work together to organise welfare provision for MCR members and liaise with the relevant authorities to that end. The Welfare Officers will be elected in Hilary Term complying with Section 7.1 and there will be a hand-over period with the new Officers taking over their roles on Sunday of 0th week of Trinity Term. It is expected that both Welfare Officers will attend the University Peer Support Training Programme. The candidates for the positions of Welfare Officers must expect to remain enrolled in the University for at least one further year after the election.
4.2.2 The Bar Representative shall stock, run and see to the accounts of the MCR bar. The bar accounts shall be presented at an MCR general meeting once a term.
4.2.3 The Computer Representative shall deal with matters related to the use of the college computer facilities by MCR members. The Computer Representative will also be responsible for provision and maintenance of an MCR web-site.
4.2.4 The Environmental Office shall organise recycling schemes within the MCR and make such other provisions for Environmental matters as the EC shall from time to time deem appropriate.
4.2.5 The Fourth Year Representative shall represent the interests of Fourth Year Undergraduate Members of the MCR. The Fourth Year Representative is appointed by the EC and is a full member of the EC.
4.3 The Treasurer may authorise expenditures from MCR funds of up to £100.
4.3.1 Expenditures of more than £100, but less than £150, require the approval of the Executive Committee.
4.3.2 Expenditures of more than £150 require the approval, by majority vote, of the MCR.

Procedure at Elections

5.1 A candidate for a post may not canvass for support in a systematic manner (including, but not being restricted to, the issue of mailings or posters), or permit others to canvass on their behalf, except by means of a manifesto posted on the notice board opposite the bar.
5.2.1 Quorum for the purposes of an election by referendum is considered to be identical to that for Constitutional amendment, as specified in section 9.2 of the Constitution.
5.2.2 Quorum for the purposes of an election at an Assembly is considered to be identical to that for that for any other motion at that Assembly, as specified in section 4.3 of the Constitution.

Smoking Policy

6. Smoking is not permitted at any time within the rooms of the MCR.


7. Members are responsible for the behaviour of those admitted as their guests under section 3.1 of the Constitution.

Private Parties

8. Members may hold private parties in the MCR. Members wishing to do so should inform the President at least a week in advance to ensure that the room is available. An open invitation to all members must be posted on the outer door three days in advance. Parties organised by societies and other groups may not be held in the MCR.

Other Categories of Member

9.1 Under section 2.3 above, each candidate for associate membership of the MCR must be proposed and seconded by full Members of the MCR. An associate member shall be elected to the MCR by majority vote, subject to the consent of the College and under any conditions authorised by the MCR.
9.2 Under sections 2.4 and 6.3.1 above, each candidate for old membership of the MCR must be proposed and seconded by full Members of the MCR.
9.3 That the numbers of Associate and Old Members be limited to a number agreed between the EC and the College, which may change from time to time.
9.4 That election as an Old or Associate Member is tenable for a single year only. Such members are free to re-nominate subsequently, providing they continue to fulfill the conditions under section 2.4 above.

The MCR Bar

10.1 The purchase of alcohol for the MCR and its supply must be managed by the EC, supervising the Bar Manager.
10.2 No arrangements are to be made for any person, apart from the MCR at large, to receive a commission, percentage, or similar payment on purchases of alcohol by the MCR.
10.3 The operating schedule of the MCR Bar must be published to the members of the MCR at least one week in advance of each academic term and approved by the Senior Dean or the representatives of the Senior Dean.